1. Secrets of Neuschwanstein - National Geographic
Bevat niet: (2022) awards
150 Jaar na de bouw wordt het beroemde kasteel Neuschwanstein van koning Ludwig II volledig gerestaureerd. We kijken mee met het restauratieproces en proberen enkele geheimen te ontcijferen. De beste films en programma´s vind je als eerste bij National Geographic . The Best. First.
Bevat niet: awards | Resultaten tonen met:awards
First aired on: 25/09/2022 at 9:00 p.m. on National Geographic
3. 'Legendary Castles' looks at the building of huge history - SBS
2 feb 2022 · The new documentary series Legendary Castles offers an insight into what goes into the making of a great castle.
Discover the secrets of architectural marvels, including the Swan King’s fairy-tale castle.
4. Alle Produktionen - loopfilm GmbH
Filmography ; Bavarian ghost stories (BR, 2022) ; Forgotten Border awarded Wold Media Award in Gold, Special Award at XIV Festival Filmowy NNW, nominated for ...
loopfilm hat ein breites Spektrum von Produktionen erfolgreich realisiert, von hochwertigem Dokutainment über historische Dokumentationen und TV-Reihen bis zu 90-minütigen Dramen.
5. Neuschwanstein Castle, Bavaria, Germany: Imagination meets Reality
Previous Awards · 2022 · RTF Awards 2022 | Results · GADA 2022 | Results · 2023 · RTF Awards 2023 | Results · GADA 2023 | Results · 2021 · RTF Awards 2021 | ...
Neuschwanstein castle perched atop the rugged hills overlooking the village of Hohenschwangau, surrounded by the Bavarian Alps, is also an inspiration for Disneyland’s sleeping beauty castle.....
6. Recommended Reads | Wicomico Public Libraries
Image for "The Sum of Us (Adapted for Young Readers)" ...
Rosie the Riveter meets A League of Their Own in New York Times bestselling novelist Jennifer Chiaverini's lively and illuminating novel about the "munitionettes" who built bombs in Britain's arsenals during World War I, risking their lives for the war effort and discovering camaraderie and courage on the soccer pitch.
7. Secrets of Neuschwanstein
Bevat niet: (2022) awards
Go on a journey through one of the most iconic castles in the world as it undergoes a complete restoration. National Geographic for everyone in everywhere
8. Bayerischer Rundfunk: Nachrichten von BR24, Highlights aus der BR ...
Der Bayerische Rundfunk bietet Fernseh- und Radioprogramm und regionale Informationen aus ganz Bayern und den Regionen Schwaben, Oberbayern, Niederbayern, ...
Der Bayerische Rundfunk bietet Fernseh- und Radioprogramm und regionale Informationen aus ganz Bayern und den Regionen Schwaben, Oberbayern, Niederbayern, Oberpfalz, Oberfranken, Unterfranken und Mittelfranken.