tl-A IriUtoj Mtftrtots IS Rod Estate Ft Sate INDEPENDNT JOURNAL Morw. Apr, 25. rW II IS lUol Estate For Sote 18 Red Estate For Sole 18 Jttoi Estate Kw Salt 22 Business Oppoftmittif 34 Can Fe Sale CUSTOM IM, igrcttM Rao. coed dm. CiEnLnr M.
Dov toi Bm Ait, MM iey. nwat aT4-m. 1343 V- fordor 8 tube radw. li Leather CPHOC Jtfj nSfUw-Mt HC Tf5SL mne SASa. CALL SASAUTO a club eoupe.
Badtab 5 a cjuody. CM job, excellent mechnt'ly. Hi.t and heater. Will saai- tudcr sedan. Would "ilk to make trade for coupe ot Saini 11a.
1941 FORD super deitnee fordof 1 rti-n; a-i. stew take a trade. Call '554S-W, 1940 POXTLAC convertible cntps. Has racao and neater ana jctjw. and runs real good.
Priced reel low. Call 2I-J-3. radio and is perfect in every nj. I'll give some terms and talw trade. Call 2128-W.
CHEVROLET 193S coupe, in clean good condition. 22- miles per gallon. 3245. call after 5 pm Saa Hnseimo aoig-w. pi pan fc-arwmrtation for S165.
"35 Oldsmobile. 37 Marquar Ave San RafaeL Hione 3349. i847 CADILLAC convertible. Leather uphctc-ry. Air-ride Ares.
Metal lic green. Biacs top. la.oro mu. Private party will $2,750. NEW 1949 DELUXE CHEVROLET HUti SAl; $100 UJNUiiK liUSX PRICE.
CONTACT JOHlf PEAK, S. S. 4107. Mrwtmhw tow age. Selling for larger car.
$1713. an waiaei nasrJ-- 1S47 CHEVROLET club de-; eic. new tires. Onginai owiwt selling. Like new.
Saueattto llSg-WA 34.6 NASH 600 four dbw. condition thronghdut. Radio and heat-srllOO. Phone Mill Valley 1793-W. 3 Tower Drive, Alto, Mffl CAREFULLY driven I94LAftdo owner.
Radio, heater, good condition. Newly Good tfcea. $350. Phone SA 2134. CWVROLET "37 tndor sedatt samo, seat covers, gooa tires.
Completely overhauled. Needs paint $390. Fhon INDEPENDENT AUTO APB ARE THE COUNTY'S BUYS! 1942: PONTIAC Torpiedff. MOaaOtti County WMe GREENBR AE! New Homes $18,000 to $26,850 Wnmps. built bv SchUltS Co.
YOU! so thar it' gets the maximum such as sun, view, slope oi ground, and the like. i esale, IV- yrs. old, well cared Rrarkius iiome wi'il 200d Qmmg room, iiiiie ajLacij, cj-q. lot of storage and cabinet space, liit SGxllO. $18,900 Resale, Ic-ss Than 2 yrs, old.
Im maculate, a oearooms, wnea aaa nook all tiled, spacious living room with wide view from picture windows. Cement terrace. Landscaped front and rear- Loc 75x100 ft. Price me. carper and drapes in living-dining room, and Venetian blinds.
Can finance with low down payment. WIDE LOTS Laid out especially for diversified nomes, witn lnimsbe pussiuuiuea of good designs and planning. Priced from $2450 for a 80x130 ft. lot with view and oaks, laurels, etc. Others, variously priced, up to an acre or arefully drawn protective coven- THE GREENBRAE CO.
James B. Ait ken Real Estate BEST LISTS BEST BUYS $10,850 2 bedroom home. Excellent value. tue Datn ana kidcucu. Large level lot.
Patio. Nice lawn and flower garden. Small down payment. 4 loan. $12,500 Fenced.
Nice lawn, patio. snaoe irees. a real aiiy. 9 down will handle. $18,500 Kent Woodlands five room home, 1 year old.
Built on beautiful wooded knolL Picture windows. Secluded, yet close to transpdrta- tion. $19,750 Vnianrta flniirt SeverL room home. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, large living room, separate dining roonij reception hall, large sun room, cen-traL heat. Home.
Very well built. 10 years old. Large level- lot. Flowers, shrubs and trees. Lawn.
A real James B. Ailken MEMO FOR THE SMART BTJYER unusual proposition, lumi 3 HOMES' FOR THE. PRICE OF ONE Main house has 2 bedrooms, 2 car garage, comfortable floor plan; Rear house could be income or excellent housing for related family; is cutely arranged and includes? F.TJLL PRICE $12,500. i' SUMMER PARADISE PLEASE' don't miss the cozy, carefree existence afforded bv this nicely arrarjged- summer, year round residfence). Situated, in restful surroundings.
Could be easily converted to 2 units for income at the end of the summer season. Priced right for quick sale, tssy nnancrog. Spencer Smiley $9000. San Anselmo, -5 rooms, separate dinine room, fireplace, Lge. unusuaUy nice lot.
Fine district Near sshoolg and bus. $9500. Kentfield, 5 rms, oak fireplace- 12 yrs. old. Level lot $11,500.
Sau Anselmo, 5 rms. Nice district. 3 old, -twin, size bedrooms, Insulated-weather-stripped, tiled bath. Level lot-Assume GI loan. $18,500.
Ross. Winship.Park. Nicely wooded sunny. Mt. view.
Level, secluded patio nlav Lets. liv. rm. Fire place, central heat, separate din. oak floors, social hall, De arms, sig.fifin.
Ross- Charmffisr Enelish cot- tage, rustic, 2 baths, lge. ceamea ccuuik u. tui stone irrepiace. Thomas Minio Countrv Club Heights Excellent, value for this location. Artistic redwood rustic modern home.
Picture windows, magnificent view. Brick fireplace. 2 attractive bedrooms, mirrored doors. 2 baths, dole, On acr? sentlv slopmz Patio. Onlv S1S.950.
For Lease dan Karaei Fu2y furriishsd. i ately clean Snacious liv. room. din. bedrms- tile bath, patio.
Beautiful garden, barbecue. Seciude5. idl for entcr-taining. No. small children.
6 mon-rs lease. $130 month. Wm, E. Doud Co. 1942 Fourth St- SR 7722 Appealing Rustic -Secluded Older Home Vith loveH- big ooen iew porch, and patio.
Grand new kitchen, with combination elec. aishwash- er. and washing machine. 2 and modem bath. 3rd bedroom and bath downstairs.
Cen- NINA W. FRANK I San Rafael Kaenei Healton Co. Attractive New 3 Bedroom Home is cr.oice San Rafael district. Near Park. Lge.
living room with fireplace, view windows, steel u-j bath, stall shower, mod- er.i breakfast room, ana plumbing. Detached 2 car V- trJ-v navmnts $8,950 Bargain room cottage. Big level loc Ciusa or. 5th street. terms- 2 ACRES Hollow.
Level and slone. Oali -rees, $6:000. APARTMENT HOUSE asion. Price S2S.500. BUSINESS PROPERTY Large lot on W.
Fourth Street, with old home on it. Price $13,750. Kaenei Heaiion Co. Phone 1800 1S33 4th "St. San Rafael FOR SALE PRIVATE OWNER Large Kitchen With Breakfast Nook Tastefully Decorated Screens and Venetian Blinds Refrigerator Gas Stove and Automatic Laundeiall Included Large Lot Located in Highland San Rafael 2 Blocks from -Miracle Mile 53500 down $65 per month carries low interest c-earing mortgage.
Taxes, interest and insurance in- nn furnishines winch include: maple kitchen set. 4 chairs, clown-filled tuxedo 2 upholstered chairs, cedar chest (Lane), 2 lamp: tables and console corner book case, wall brackets and mirror, cocktail table, 15 rug oak leaf pattern 4-piece redwood, bedroom, set, bed, chest of drawers, and living room drapes, slip covers, summer drapes and Rexafr vacuum cleaner. Shown by. -appointments. Call San Rafael 5935-R.
BY OWNER 4 oom cottaee. Con- vent-, district Phone. San 'Rafael 4212-W. To Settle Estate SMART, -modern 4 room, cottage on level, aiiuny iuu, iuti la-nnsuayeo. Mission.
Street, close to Grand Avenue. 2 bedrooms, house and grounds in -stile and span condi tion, ful furnished vacant; Will a liberal GI loan-. Price Porfola Gardens SuburDah. San Rafael S- arid a bedroom modern homes im- der coru ic 1 lose to bu and stores, large lots. Prices.
$9750:. to $10,750, and -financed, down. illQG to il3QQ. renro. Jwaa, yt nine nurtrieaai ux iugnway iui.
oee our signs, Tarrant BealtyCu. .3 BEDROOM Colonial home, all' large, rooms. Separate apartment over detached Level, 1 1 Foirf ox WOO. 2 bedroom home in excel lent condition, on comer lot, detached close in. C.
R. DEWITT FAIRFAX Reliable Service for over A-i century Son Anselmo IMMACULATE 5 room in Morning- side District, Large lovely garden, secluded: extra gar-. ages. Reduced. Phone owner, SA FOR.
SALE: 5 room stucco home jn San Anselmo. to stores, and school. Asking $12,500. Make of-fer: Can 3831-R. LOT BARGAINS $400 each.
Easy terras. 3 wide hillside wooded fronting on-paved street with all utilities In. Close to school and bus stop. LEACH REALTY $L0OO LOT. Must sell.
Level hilltop. Schools, stores, busses very close. Architect's house plan available. Ses E. 5.
Bdiis, ICS Rass San Anselmo. OWN? being 1 lAroe fireplace, 14' 28" living-dining room. Assume GI. loan. Pay ments S66 per month.
4S Park new furnished 2 bedroom rustic house. Attached garage. Weat-herstnop-. fen flo 1 see 0 -pre- Tovar: 9. ATTENTION $100 down payment trill buy new 3 bedroom stucco home.
Large liv-' ing room and dining room. Plastic interior. Tile bath and sink. a ive $12,009. COUNTRY KNOLL HOME ACRE KNOLL PROPERTY Five rcsom home.
Larse livine room. fireplace- family orchard. 2 car earase. Complete jruest cabin. 512.500.
Knuiie Realiv NATIONAL distributor offer; pro frsn-bls-e 'o investor. Excellent income. No selling involved. Cash investment i-' rec Cr.v re- liable persons acceptable. Personal Interview only.
Write fullv Box 600, co Incepeadent-Joumal FOR SALE. Bar and Restaurant. Complete with license, stock, and i 7 uartn Or 33 e- FOR T.i I dry piciup agency. Good location. 1 ar Truck n- eluded -o S2C0O erill die.
LARGE garage in Tiburon for rent. Must have some marine mechanical experience. Call Geneva 5-4749 any time. 25 ReoF Estate Wonted NEED CASH? well built modern 5 room home in San Rafael or San Anselmo. Close in.
Phone Sit. 392-J. Home Badiv Needed- Family arriving from East shortly. nave casn. A-i cremi rating.
Need at least 2 bedrooms. Prefer Southern Marin. 3ox 598 WE NEED help. We have 205 prospective ouyers and need listings. Please call Louise V.
Walsh, 26 Houses For Rent 2 BEDROOMS, living-dining room, Kitcaen, oainroom. iteai reason- ble. Laguustas. Phoae 10-J-i3. 2 BEDROOMS furnished, SOD per montm wean, unassog neauy, MiU- Valley 1406.
UNFURNISHED home in Ross to lease. Tile Siitcnen ana oatn. naiciosea yard. S. 5541.
Z7-Apts. For Rent AVAILABLE imniediateli-, modern 3 room aparrment, aauire on WALTER' APARTMENTS, 3 mL Ka 2 AND 3 ROOM apt. See Mrs. Mc: ivioaei-iie Harbor St. San Rafael.
SMALL Combination liv-1 ing-oearoom, nam, stall shower. Suitable' for working S35 month. Would consider older woman who would like' to exchange light' housekeeping fit hourly rv for rnt. Cort Ma-den 579-J alter 6." 2-ROOM apartment; private bath ana woriang coupie preferred. No children.
No pets. No, 9 KeawooQ mive, koss. 2 AND 3 ROOM APAR1 partly furnished. Near Junior Col- jTO -LEASE. New single 5ta.
mciuaes utinties, completely furnished. Rural setting. Phone Novato. 157-Y. A UNFURTiTISHljD --5'min.
ixom biis station. 'MagiufU 1 view pets, "no chi dren imone N'TSHED' apartment, isew "buuumy, M-oye, re-' frigerator included! "Near trans-portatioh arid shopping. $105 month; TeleDhone 2176-W 28 Rooms For Rent NICELY furnished "sunny room centrally, located near bus station and restaurant -Phone San Rafael NICE laree- surihv room ctbsn- to transportation and store. Good. librae, laundry' Prefer worKing girl, or vvansmg coupie.
CHARMING newly, decorated -room I or employed; person. Beaiiuiiui bath', sun deck, privacy. Call Mill NICE double rooms with or wrtliou! 'intchen pnnieges, 410 Mission UPSTAIRS' rooms and bath for young ousinessmen. Enare second story. Convenient, to Call TWO nice rooms, closft in.
San An- seimo. one room witn twin oeas and one single with hot and cold water. In private family. Refer ences: o.a..,Mriu. NICE room with kitchen and Iaun- cxry privileges.
Close id. Man and wne. iui iirst street. LARGE, clean, attractive room. In- nersprmg mattress.
326 rtrst at. aan ixaia CLEAN, comfortable, convenient. 28-A- -Housekeeping Rms. ATTRACTIVELY furnished. Close in.
convenient lor commuters. Business and professional women amy. rnone ijt. taa-. 29-B Hotels Mission Inn.
720 St- San Ra- faeL'Faone 1837. ROOMS for rent, steam heat, show -Wertfad To Rent small girls desir 2 or 3 bedroom unfurnished, house. References-Lease or rent. Approximately $100 per month, can MAJOR Oil Co. ed house.
No chii- sire small lumished house', apart-1 ment. References. Phone San Rafael 4422. RESPONSIBLE State Sngineer, nie, aaucntsrs aesire or 3 bedroom unfr-rustd house. To SSQ.
Is. vVnte Box rsm1 pae SAN FRANCISCO business man' 01 tour ca cniioren; wouia like 3 bedroom home in Marin county. Responsible, refined. Will Tskc vcar er mere or evnuner reirsi. Ar-forcofe 2-SS7? collect.
Larkcpur Ml-J afr? 3 2' 3 i 31 Wanted To Rent ms.a, wue nd Will sign lease. Larteyg 5i-W. ROOM apar- feruj, -jtrj r. bv cut', to Phone days Dougla? SMALL HOUSE or a young couple, rtane in' Pr a Bo f1 room. Its or 2 bath hcusR in Mil Valley.
Level lot: older home house. Mill Valley to Fairfax. Will Day jo S-U25. Call SR. "2Z-V SA'n ANSELMO nome for San Francisco executive.
Csilj SMALL" furnished'' in Jr-ainax 07 my Phcr.e s. A. BEDROOM mished ro-A 2 children, one four, one new. Up to $100. Phone collect Oakland, N'G apartment or flat Call Sausalito Sii'Xl, mornings.
BEDROOM unfurnished or oart-lv furnished house orflat. To 32 Miscellaneous for Rent I and telephone service. Phone SR 5405-J from or Geneva 5-0070 after 6 pn, Tuesoay. STORE Suitabf- many uses. Call at 1827.
Fourth San Rafael, or phone 2902 -1255 -J or 7561-W. 32-A Commercial STORE on Fourth known company. Call Mc- Gowan at vyo cay or night WANTED: To lease with option to buy, store -with living quarters. San Rafael to Novato. ciiil Valencia 4-7051.
Wanted To Rent: Storage space in ettfrer garage or warehouse. Uall. 33 'Summer Rentals SMALL BOY five years' old needs nome. must- uanay, Nurse, infant brother with me. We will need at-least 2 baths.
3 bedrooms and' sun oorch or four, bedroomsi -Must' be level lot with back garden or Rafael area, Inclusive. willing, to pay $250 per month for 2 months, preferaoly July and August: Phone Fillmore 8-4446 pr 2-6917, or write H. Lees, 9. Sutter St, Sah Fran- RESPONSIBLE couple with child aesire. rurnisnea- -nouse.
tx week occupancy. Telephone-Over- officer dprfreR 2 or room heme completely fuTnlsnefl. May to August. Write Bos 596 FAMILY of .4 adults waiifc 3 bf.droiMn furnisrre'd heme' --for June, July -and AuguM -UTiwc amy ana August' San "AnsBlmo references. Call' S.
jw, or butter STti I COKING for a summer-home is reputable San jTapcisco lanniy: nsceiienc ref erences; 01 course 1 -rnone uar-field 1-4360. RESPONSIBLE San Francisco busi- Dees man and jamily desires summer -rental, June, July, August. Good references. Phone Prospect ming nool for Ausmsi 'change. San Francisco; house If desired.
-Box 500, Independent- or- pnone or. isver- RESPONSIBLE San Francisco business man and-famiiv desire sum- 15th. Goad-references. Call SJi, nam or aeaongnt-7-uoq. 3dCaw For Sale WHY GAMBLE? You take no chances when you buy a used car from our stock of late model reconditioned and guar-teed used cars.
We welcome vbu to com pare value, quality, and terms. Our cars are all traded In on new Nash cars. We don't buy and sell used cars therefore they are better values. Buvino a used car here re moves all element of chance. Remember, Our; Names Means "A Good Deal." RHODES' -HASH Ph.
7500 BUICK Late Model. Guars used Buicks Sisnsirom Btick Co. 1941 Fori 1 ton 12 ft stake 2 Speed axis, mechanics T'rer snc. SMd uofieinann itugk Depi. ERCURY' CCTVY-: "rnrftr.
nt m- ion. C-iU 4S13-M. I i I I I Cotmty Wide B'l OWNER. Two bedroom attrac- jLtrren, tue ir. Kitchen ana Fireplace, Venetian blinds, weatherstripped.
lot fenced, large cement patio, very nice flowers and shrubs, sell furnished lOniy, must be seen to be appreciated. $11,500. 4" Hiiivitw Ave, San Ra- Owner's Sacrifice Buyer's Profit Love? 3 bedroom Sun norr.e. Owner must leave- at once. Asking $10,950.
Good FHA terms. Submit your offer. SAN ANSELMO SHOO Beautiful wooded bldg. site. So 200 ft.
All utilities, paved streets. i blocks to shoooina and rrans- port ricn. $550 down, balance 535 Pierce Realty BEDROOM home on Francis Drake Highway, between Jewell and Tocaloma. 2 miles from CaniD Taylor. Swimming pool ting.
Come look it over. Cash or terms. William -fcKean. ROSS ENGLISH COTTAGE This is the most charming small home you have ever seen. Tremendous living room and fireplace.
High cathedral beamed ceiling. Fine kitchen. 2 nice bedrooms. 2 batlis. tile.
Price Siyoou. axciusive agent. KENTRE.D $9500 The finest small some, we've had' listed in many months. Close to' transportation and shopping. Living room with fireplace, 1 bedroom with large adjoining sleeping porch.
Detached 1-car garage. Beautiful small patio. Owner amdous to sell, SAN RAFAEL CONVENT DISTRICT Large, old family home, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, excellent condition. Beautiful large old garden. Fine view.
$25,000. Exclusive agent. DUPLEX BARGAIN Owner must sell. Income $220 per month. 2 each, living room, dining room combination each.
Fireplace, 1-car attached garage each. FHA loan $10,500. Payments ap-. proximately $97 mo. Asking $18,000.
Make offer or trade. Frank Howard Allen arid Son San Rafael Move Riqhf In- Full GI. appraisal. $1250 downTuys. a modern- 6 year old furnished 2 Level lot.
Full price $9400. Xentfiefd -Vmif "hhrifns of IS lots. level and sloping: from $1500 to $5,250. Let us; snow you toaay Prien Realty 4 Bedrooms $10,500 Full price. Solid! 2 story, house, San Anselmo.
Garage, basement. Close to bus. $5300 cash, $55 month. New Only $8800 Jt bedrooms, large Uvrng-diniiig room rwith fireplace. Tile bath arid tatphen.
Level landscaped close' in Sen Rafael. $2,000 cash. Hurry! Building Lot $950 Full price'; all utilities, level. $2,000 Cash 2 Bedrooms San RafaeL EKcelleut conditions. Tile' hath.
Level lot, rear lawn and patio. -Venetian terms. Novato $1750 Cash Nearly new 2 bedroom: home. Level lot. Close to bus, and shopping; Bargain.
View Lots Acre or more. Rafael, sweeping bay view. Utilities. $2500 up. $220 Month Income 2uiiit 2 bedrooms on your lot for $14,750: Only $4,000 cash.
See Marshall L. Smiih lis Woodland at Irwin Sts. Phone 7155 Multiple Listing Board California Ranch Style $12,500. Nearly new spacious "living room, iirepiace, gas neat, am-ing space and breakfast room, 2 bedroms: 2 blocks to bus, sunny, view, excellent' disk Assume GI loan. $9500.
3 bedrooms completely fum lti. resaie. ciosis to DU5-Owner leavinz staf. San RafaeL 5 rms, nhlte narawooo uoors. 5mou drL BaL like rent, 514,500.
New, different! 3 bedrms, laimd level sunny lot Best district Cordane Realty REHDEZVIEW" magazines, and newsreels. -Known as the 'Tush Button' Dream House" with its over 100 new features abLTsr.c-: of anv other horns today. Sire xnoms, 2 baths, a total of 1S64 square feet Garage and sundeck. Price oi 565.000 includes furniture, draues. and rugs by Modern Era.
Ail electrical appliances. Priced at thousands of collars bslo-A- its value. P-acres. of land. Fully restricted.
see call San Rafael 1844-R or write 1. Bos 6-3-A. 5ah Rafael Brc'e SAN ANSELMO Well built older home. 5 bedrms.
and rm. for 2 more. Full basement, lvei corner lot. two blo-to- fr-m mv. bus depot and srw.
wmr anxious 10 sen. Exciusivf EARL HERMAN. Realtor NORTH BAY REALTY Siii St. PLojw SR 1319- County Wide Aiwell-Perachiotii Co. San Ansehno r.
V' 5925c. convent distal $3400. Bret Hart. Sma down pay- i ment for vets. re 2 bedrooms Fifth $3SC0, eoern.
2 bsirccms. New San Anseimo $10,900. 2 bedroom, staa snower. snoua ui, Santa Venetia 51500 down. New.
2 bedrooms. Atwell-Perachioiti Co. 835 4th Street, San Rafael, Ph. 7724. Ana First and Grant Ave.
Novato: Phone 85-R -303. 6 rooms, lge. liv. room, Ys basement, 1 block to bus and stores. Patio, glassed porch, rock terracing, $14,700.
A-3G0. New 3 bedrooms, fireplace, tile oatn witn stau snoiver, .2 basement, for' additional room, sis.flsn. Small down rjavment. A-290. 2 bedrooms, 3 years old, cor ner lot.
iianascapea. aiuvi vu bus and stores. Nice district. 100 Homes All Prices, Sizes, And Districts Highland Really San Rafael income Property $27,000 come saw per --montn. vtmtact your broker, who is inemoer of the MARIN COUNTY MULTIPLE LISTING -BOARD.
ASK. FOR LISTING NO. AO66 Caietti Realty Co. 905 TAMALPAIS PHONE 173 BARGAIN Mornmqsicle Court Sacrifice Price of $10,950 F. H.
A. Terms 2 large bedrooms, and dining room, knotty pine rumpus ttiviri floors, firenlace. view win- dowe with Venetian hllu year. old. compare Ruth Cody 520 REDHILL.
'SAN ANSELMO CALL-" SA 49C6-J BARGAIN For ideal outdoor living, see 5. room furnished rustic home, situated, on- a acre site natural beauty. Grounds complet-ly fenced. Glassed in 28 ft porch; uHacumnton court, uiose io wans-and shops; Immediate occupancy. asking LEACH REALTY 18 Homes For Inspection Open.
For, inspection 100 Cascade Drive, Fairfax LEVEL CLOSE TO SHOPPING, BUS SCHOOL 3 bedrooms, iale' kitchen, bath and trance, central heatmir. lafae Ear- down payment By own- Perry J. VValdbiilig Contractor Builder 20 Inman Ave, Kentfield Mill Volley WELL-BUILT modem home, 8 years old. Near'schools and town. Large living room with, fireplace, 3 bedrooms'- and large playroom, full basemen sun all day.
$15,000. Summit Mill Valley 591-W TO PLACE MILL VALLEY REAL ESTATE ADS GALE MILL VALLEY 2000 Belvedere ONL'i 515.750 Be; utii i locafcioh. overlooking Y.t. tits i 450 sta Ave. Call Geneva o-iotii.
Corte Modem 24 LOTS. Sell sll or part Cort-e Madera, nill sites. A for rh ritrb? All Ul-U'CS. View. Rubin.
SA 4835-J. 4 Lilac gentSeid. bedrcotns. living room, dining MABELLE CULPEPPER IJtESPUR 634-J Loritspur $1700. Level let.
50 150. Zoned for C'--- Church. AU utilities in. ff LARKSPUR 631-J tones, like new, 8. Also some ud 'oil ore snJ fltfine-- and masohite.
Call Mill 1537-J. Used Material Yard 2x3. 2x4. 2x6. 2x10, 2x12 to SS' long.
Building or bulkhead? House or Dam? See our Material! Sheathing at $30 per M. Used fcrick. Wall Rock, Steoptng Stones. T16 Lmdaro San RafaeL Ph. -l.
OR-TEp ed etc. WiU sacriHea; ideal" for party building own home. Call Sausalito 305-J collect any time for KITCHEN SPECIALS Formica sink toes Modern ca inets Frames Doors and wt FREE ESTIMATES a BURR'S LUMBER CO. 36 Tiburon Ph. Mill Valley 1 FORM-CRETE Building Blocks and Brick lor HOMES PATIOS WALLS Highway 101 and Paradise Drive Carts Madera Ph.
Corte Madera 948-J Open Saturday and Sunday U-B Office Equipment PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS Sold $1.25 PER WEEK AH Makes. Buy Where you Can Get Guaranteed Service Makes Rented Typewriter Guy 1411 -Fourth Ph. SR 775 TYPEWRITERS, $30 up. Portables, nearly new, $60- up. Rentals $7.50.
3 Higueia, San Anselmo 5584-W. 1 6C Boats and Supplies FOOT ideal bass fishing marine 'engine. Very reasonable price. S. R.
222. ROWBOAT, outboard motor. Make offer. 2016 Fourth St, San Ra-fael. Call 1S13-W.
U-D Equipment Rentals Air Compressor and Jack Hammer Gasoline concrete mixer Other construction tools JIMMY'S SERVICE STATION 4th Street Machinery -y 6 Yvs ir Co. 9lS A St. North Bay Saw Works 17 Miscellaneous Wonted WANTED TO BUY electric or tread- lp-epwiiw mnrhiri" Hishesfc tirice! paid. Phone San Anselmo 7570. WANTED Clean cotton r'aas for wibina machin ery; San Rafael Independent, 1028 Street, San Katael.
rnone oi. 17. A Swaps 1847 M. Buick sedanette, 11,000 very clean; one owner, ask--rag 52300. for equity-in OTd oearooHi aouse-uu iyi.
Prefer GI equity. around Sao Bafaet Box 593, Independent. iflu-ai Estate Par Sate County Wide $50 PER. MONTH tiifi'n Tvarw RITORM! HOME. SOLID CONSTRv NEEDS'PAINT 'AND'- EBfiOW GREASE INSIDE.
CLOSE- IN. $9800. CORTE MA- tADERA. 1 500 DOWN tsfln KortrmR. larCR car port.
new, "Bendix included. Lot 80 100, -level. Santa Vets preference. I and 910 acres. Zoned 2.
Will make 10- lots. Heart of town. Priced to sell. Solon Realty 36 PARK -CORTE MADERA CORTE MADERA 201 OR 1005-J Socior's Off ices for Reni Centrally situated In Fairfax; these two offices stall under coristruc-t ul i Lraig lease lltwisn. eaMiau.
On 4 Lois hmif; i (levaff'd bedroom. Glassed-in 'sleeping porch, large living room, kitchen and ba-th. Nearly 23 of an acre of Jland. seclusion, view. aouu.
3 Lots $1700 in all Drake Realty Co. A PRIZE SUN PACKAGE Officer trt-nsferred, showing choice 3 bedroom -home over weekend. i Unusual master finished in rubbed knotty pine with redwood beams. Sonoma stone, heatform fireplace. French doors opening on to rear oatio.
Spacious living room, dining room, large katcnen, breakfast nook. Tastefully decorated throughout: You'll love this charming home, as much as present owners. $13,750 furnished. Call 12S-W for appointment. IDEAL FAMILY HOME SiO.SCC.
Zss wcll-ptnlt 4 bedroom to and trans-pdrtation. Central heat. LEE HEROLD paniy 'furnished. Tirepiace. garsge.
$3400. vacant. 1600 Modem 2 elevated bed-m. home. -Lsre.
corner lot Rugs refrigerator, GI resale. make offer. "$2,000 down. 3 central heat, 4 lots, hillside; G' resale. 3.750.
3 Bedrooms, and rumpus room, cen- ta-ix L-- stall shower, corner lot. 1211 Ran Anselmo A. Ph. MEMBER MAK1N COUNTY 9 MiiLTIPL LlSTUiG BOARD rINPEPENPBWT APTO BUYS! 'A f-ff-y Ota SATO m.m Chevrolet Standard ACbnpfcA Excellent rubber, good mptcr. $140,00: Need Cash.
Pbsne 153L MUST sacrifice my 1 assnme low balance. Bulk America contract See at S09-. Fotuth -Street f- 1 el rdoox vd gooc. ores, usu mt ui 11346; LINCOLN- Sedan mechanical, $150. Private owner.
See' at' 1940 CHRYSLER' New Yorier'eiS coupe- itear sear, mcc civs, otst-- drive. Free wheel. Radio, beet: Perfect condition. S94C -Marm Dormitory, Sausalito. Call sausanto iBtf-j alter P-m- 1933 DeSOTO 4 door sedan.
good condition, uniy w. San Anselmo 2050-R. 34-A Tracks 1941 FORD ton 13 ft stake. speed axle, motor OS, tires HJ new, a real good truck at ato price, j-none io-ai. -DODGE" C-OH.
ran. WiB con- aider trade. Telephone .1945 Ford -V-i ton' 12 ft stake. Hu caa excjeuent care, very saw mix-ae. fuLv eouiooed with mare, signal arm, clearance' light.
A real buy at $1395. Dohemann Truck Dept. 1 TON Ford pickup" 4 speed 3YARD dump bed and hoist. I 34-C Vehicles For Ret U-BBIYE Csrs, Trucks, Trailers "4th HSLai T4 34-D Trailers ped. Call SR.
7233-vT after 6 pjft. TEAR DP.OP type slptag tfaaee Call' surdy. i-heL TSSS or Restock. Ml Ott yVmmk jBW-f- 3-f-a rn. mi 100 1LP.
rt tlMtl Ittm JWflM CM tJSSSL Part St- But nM.